Saturday, January 4, 2014

Practically Perfect in Every Way...

I hope everyone is staying warm -- I know I whine about it all the time, but holy hell do I loathe winter. 18 years in Tennessee, and I still whine when it's 40 degrees, so I'm sure in for a shock when it's 10 degrees on Monday :/

A few weekend musings....

The title of this entry may be one of my very favorite lines in Mary Poppins - and it's beyond fitting for this entry. Larry, Christian & I went to see Saving Mr.Banks last night. What an incredible movie! Easily one of the best movies I've seen in the past year. The story behind "Mary Poppins" & how the film was made, Tom Hanks completely exceeded my expectations as Walt Disney (who totally hung the moon, y'all, not even kidding!) - and Emma Thompson was brilliant as PL Travers.

Mary Poppins was way before my time - the movie was 19 years old by the time I was born. But naturally, Disney movies are timeless (says the 30 year old with an intense Disney collection) - I saw the movie as a small child & the book nerd in me added it to my collection in middle school. I was actually really surprised at the # of adults in our theater who had never actually seen or read it! However, even not having seen it -- I was NOT the only one who cried during the film. I do think you'd enjoy the movie more if you've seen/read/have an appreciation for Mary Poppins.

A few things I loved: the in depth look at PL Travers background - and trying to show she wasn't just trying to be a hard ass - she had a personal, genuine attachment to Mary Poppins that was so incredibly deep. A touching moment in the movie I thought was Disney admitting he understood her attachment, and he felt the same way about Mickey Mouse. The story behind her personal life & her fathers struggles were heartbreaking. The only remotely "negative" thing I could say was they made it seem as though Travers loved the outcome of the movie, when it was so well known that she was not happy & refused to work with Disney again.

An incredible touch in the credits is listening to some of the original recordings from the writers room between Disney writers & PL Travers,  so if you go see it, stay for the credits - a great party of history folks haven't heard before, it was fascinating!

"Adults are only grown-up kids, anyway" - Walt Disney

Movies (we also saw the latest Madea movie today! Not nearly as funny as the other Madea movies, what a bummer!) & Shopping were the extent of the weekend, really. And -- to probably everyone's surprise - I bought NOTHING at Opry Mills. How I didn't find a new pair of shoes is beyond me - and this is probably the first time I left H&M empty handed. What I need is for them to bring my damn bookstore back....

Today is also P's birthday! I was searching twitter earlier and found these two tweets from folks - greatest tweets ever:

Patty Loveless has a voice straight from Jesus.
Tomorrow is Patty Loveless' birthday.  I'm so thankful she was born.

Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people in the world! Girl has serious talent and outshines everyone else. (Also, she's all kinds of humble. She never plays the "I'm way more awesome than you" card  -- even though she totally could!)

1996 & 2011

Have a great rest of the weekend!

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1 comment:

  1. Saving Mr. Banks didn't bore the men in the audience?? It doesn't seem like a guys film, but I might get suckered into going to it.

    I love the pics of you & Patty! I am so jealous you have so many, but I guess that happens when you travel to see her! Maybe if she comes back out on the road, I'll travel more to see her.
