Sunday, October 7, 2012


Happy Sunday! It's a cold start here - thank goodness the rest of the week will warm up! It's totally unfair to let me come home from FL to a ridiculously cold weekend!

We did at least have a great Saturday -- which was our Heart Walk! Surprisingly, the rain went away and it was a really cold start, but warmed up as the day went on and we started walking. I didn't see what the total amount raised was, but I did see the attendance record was the highest it had ever been!

As we walked, my niece commented multiple times about how a few people had their son written on their tribute stickers, or small children had their own name on their stickers -- shocking her that such small kids were survivors of a Heart Disease. As we walked pass Vandy Children's hospital, she asked if we could go by one day and visit some of the sick kids or deliver stuffed animals to them. She is a teenager with an attitude these days for sure ---- but she has a big heart her Great Granny would be so proud of!

I love the boards where you can write notes for the people you're walking in memory of, or in tribute of. These were new last year, and they returned this year. 

Paige's part of the signs

And in the "melt my heart" category, Kadin picked up a marker and wanted to do his own message this year. He grabbed it and said "What do I have to write?" and I said "Just write something about how you're doing this for your Great Granny!"

This was Kadin's message - and he came back afterwards and drew a heart underneath it and colored it in. Seriously, he's the sweetest little boy ever

My sister's note!

Getting the face paint done! We get hearts put on our cheeks each year - they have a lot of other stuff, Paige also got stars on the other cheek, but we definitely rock hearts for our Granny! 

Putting the tribute stickers on! I save all of mine. I have no clue where I'll put these after awhile hahah, because right now they are just lined up down my bookcase.

My sis & I rocking our new shirts! I designed this logo last year, but not in time to have shirts made so we just did iron on shirts last year. This year, I ordered them through a printer. Apparently we need to have hoodies made for next year too so we totally match if it's cold again.

And then Paige took this one of us  -- Kadin was totally in love with his new glasses that light up. He told EVERYONE "I hope you like my glasses" (and when I say everyone, I mean when we stopped at a red light after we left, he rolled down the window and shouted "I HOPE YOU ALL LIKE MY GLASSES!!!"), so he rocked them the entire walk. The Heart Association told me they liked the "cool dude look" haha.

The Heart Walk was a great success this year, and I truly appreciate all of you that donated to our Team! Next year I am going to get a super early start and see if we can make Team Marcella an even bigger success - I usually register the team around January, so if you'll be in Nashville the first weekend in October next year and would love to walk, please shoot me an email so I can let you know when you our team is set up! 

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