Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wedding Weekend!

Shooting weddings is hard work, I'll admit it. Sometimes I get stressed by doing them and forget how much I love photography during them --  so I've majorly cut back on them.

This past Saturday I shot a wedding I have been so excited about! I should back up I guess, and explain who everyone is ---

One of my very first friends when I moved to Tennessee was Leslie. We got jobs together at K-Mart, and once we had cars, she was my partner in crime. She was with me when I got my first speeding ticket (oh how we rushed to her mom's house to try to see if it was from a cop she knew to get me out of it! I did NOT want to tell my dad I had gotten a speeding ticket!), and I was the one she called when she found out she was pregnant, and was terrified to tell her father with just her boyfriend. The maid of honor in her wedding, and there when her first baby was born, we went through a lot together crammed in a few years!

High school days - we took a cue from my sister and her best friend and thought "OMG let's get pictures done!" -- apparently so later on we could be like OMG look at us! And might as well share all the embarrassing details, the back is inscribed with our lovely "Leslie Beslie and Colie Bolie" nicknames. Wow. 

Anyway, her cousin Tell got engaged last year, and since I do all Leslie's family portraits, Tell and his sweet fiancee came to me for their engagement photos, and then booked me for their wedding.

They are absolutely perfect together, and couldn't have planned a better wedding. I truly had the best time capturing their special day, and seeing them so happy. You can't help but notice how Tell's face just completely lit up when Angela was in the room, every single time.

the happy couple

The ceremony was held at the gorgeous Belle Meade Plantation - oh how I love that place. If you've never gone, it is worth checking out the grounds (and paying to see the house!), going to the winery, and just spending some time there. They were married in the garden, and the reception followed at the unique carriage house. 

I always take my niece with me to weddings to have an assistant -- gotta have someone to hold those reflectors! It's good for her to earn some extra cash, plus this time time was getting away from us -- the second everyone arrived, we jumped into decorating. I was so proud of Paige, she did anything anyone asked. AND, she even posed for me when I wanted to test lighting. My beautiful girl is growing up:

We had so much fun at the reception - in the midst of shooting, Paige got out on the dance floor with Leslie's kids, and we even managed to steal sweet baby Abigail for a little awhile! (I should say Paige did - she must've held Abby for an hour!)

2012 version -- although we're pretty damn tired, since this was after a very, very long day!

Me & Cayce. I feel so old....Cayce was born the month after we graduated. I remember walking into the hospital to snuggle with this sweet girl. Now she's 11 and such a wonderful kid!

Paige & sweet baby Abigail!

Why do I feel like my weekends are going so much quicker lately? This coming week I've GOT to get Kadin to the IMAX Theater to see Frankenweenie - he was sure to point out today that he is "waiting on me". I love that kid!

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