Thursday, October 25, 2012

my favorite boy....

So the K-Man brought this report card home:

My sweet, smart boy! We always joke he's more like my kid than my sister's because he has so many of my weird traits haha - but he clearly gets his brain from Aunt Nicole too! His best grades are my best classes too --- although, I actually DID do fabulous in math before High School ! It was geometry that completely threw me off! I was such a nerd, English grades were so over the top. I remember my senior year, they told me I had to settle for a 100 because with my extra credit, my grade was like 109 and they couldn't put that on a report card. I hope Kadin is like this into High School too!

Anyway, he knew this meant he was getting something, so I took him to see Frankenweenie. We timed it all wrong though - and missed it at the Imax theater, which was a bummer, since as most of you know - he calls that his second home. But, we still have a few theaters that had it in 3D at least!

He couldn't have been too bummed about the Imax, because this was the grin I saw all day! I'm sure it was partially because I let him get whatever he wants at the movies, so we wound up with funnel fries, corn dogs and popcorn. This is why I shelled out over $40 to take a 10 year old to the movies. But, he earned it. Plus the movie was totally cute - has anyone seen this!? I love Tim Burton. I don't think he's ever made a movie that I didn't like. Kadin narrated half the movie to me, it was so funny. LOUDLY in the middle he would shout 'OOOOHHHH THAT KID IS GOING TO BE IN TROUBLE!!!"

And naturally, being the complete ridiculous sap I am, I cried. Yes, I CRIED in Frankenweenie. But seriously, the parents in the movie totally diss their kid and say how he has no friends and only loves his dog, and then the dog gets hit by a car and dies and the kid is sobbing. Seriously? Who wouldn't cry!?  (The answer to this is: Everyone else in the theater with Nicole!)

Kadin loved the movie though, and as usual, he cracked me up with our car chatter on the way home. My favorite time with him is in the car - actually, with both kids. We have the greatest talks in the car. Anyway, Kadin on the way home mentions one of the characters in the movie....

K: Did you know that Edgar's last name is "E Gore"? I mean, really, what kind of name is that?"
Me: His parents must be crazy!
K: Well, I don't really know his parents.

I love this sweet boy so much. 

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