Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pinterest Love....

I love Pinterest. Seriously, it's the most ridiculous obsession ever. I totally dogged it in the beginning "WTF is the point of this??", and now I don't go a day without it ---- I know, it's a serious addiction.

But I truly find some of the most amazing ideas on there, not to mention gorgeous quotes.  I stayed home sick today and never left the house - which meant pinterest was a fabulous time killer.

So a few of my recent pinterest loves:

Am I the only one who thinks this pot clip is the most amazing thing ever? It's only $4, right here, and it's so adorable it makes me want to actually cook a little more hahaha.

Clearly, this is the best pumpkin EVER!!  I'm heading to my bestie's house in Georgia for the weekend so I already have in my head we are TOTALLY doing this. 

And some of these quotes are so great --- I really need to come up with a great way to put them up somewhere, on post-it's, printed out, anything. In the bathroom mirror, bedroom mirror -- wherever. I just love some of these.

I wish more people would grasp this.


And, one of my all time favorites:
This is one of the best things I've ever read.

And in honor of Wednesday being Modern Family night, one of the best images I've found on pinterest -- and totally agree with! (I love Cam! And how right is he?!):

1 comment:

  1. So, I've never watched Modern Family, but I couldn't agree more with that Meryl quotation -- Hilarious! And true!
