Thursday, August 30, 2012

A little backtracking....

I had so many birthday tweets, Facebook posts and emails come in this past week. Thanks so much :) I was a spoiled girl this week! So before I go any further, I have got to share the cutest gift ever. My twin cousin texts me that she ordered a birthday gift and it would be sent UPS and arrive on x date, so I'd know to look for it. I open the box as it arrives and see the back of this:

(Which I'm too lazy to take a pic of right now, but it says Wildcats!) I literally shout "SHUT THE HELL UP!" as I rip it out of the box. Seriously, how cute is this?! I mean, Mickey Mouse is perfect considering we made total BFF's with Mickey at Disney last year, and decked out in UK?! Shut up. AND it came with a matching fleece blanket, which is now sitting on my couch. Cutest ever, thanks to my kick ass twin cousin : )

I said I'd be backtracking my next blog..since I haven't had a chance to blog about the other week. This is what happens when I don't update in a week, right?

A few Saturdays ago I had the pleasure of seeing Emmylou Harris --- I know most of you know this, but seriously, love, love her, and we go see her all the time. I know our Nashville folks know about this, but for non-local folks that may not know, she is crazy passionate about dogs and runs her own dog rescue. I've never met another person who loves dogs as much as Emmylou does - she has the biggest heart. So anyway, she has a winter benefit every year to try to help raise money for Bonaparte's, and to raise awareness for the dog adoptions, but this year they decided to try something in the summer.  I am so stoked they did - it was at The Fontanel Mansion, so it was a crazy awesome location, and Emmy had some amazing musicians come out --- (I  mean, really, does anyone play like Sam Bush? ) and donate their time to play. Topped off with Emmylou playing for over an hour herself, they couldn't have done a better job on this.  Plus, again, Fontanel Mansion - the CafĂ© has a faaaabulous bartender that made a pretty fabulous Margaritas!

Love her!!

And since she did my all time fave song of hers, I was a happy camper too :)

I went from Margaritas to Chuck E Cheese Sunday - my life is pretty awesome, right? We went for a birthday party for our friends 9 year old little girl, but I'm pretty sure my sister and I had more fun than the kids. We sat down to do pics in the little Chuck E Cheese sketch print thing, once with my sister and my niece & I, then just Samantha & I.. while two little girls who looked around 6,7 stood off to the side waiting..Probably wondering when the old people were going to be done so they could play!

It's token time! 

K-Man with Lizzy!

We did see Emmylou again - twice in a week is pretty awesome - for the Notorious Cherry Bombs benefit at 3rd and Lindsley! Chris (I'm aware this is confusing for my non-local folks, I k now too many Chris's!) B took me for my birthday. They sounded great, and the place was packed. It was such a treat to see Emmylou and Albert Lee together. Of course, I know I'm a little would have sounded better with the ORIGINAL Cherry Bombs bass player! :P Nonetheless, it was great - Rodney still has a great strong voice, and Emmylou sounded fabulous. Vince sounded great but looked like an utter and complete bum. Go figure.

Holiday weekend coming up - which means Family Cookout at my sisters Monday! And it's been a pretty nice week, so that will equal a little more pool time. I don't think we'll have too many folks there, just a nice small cook out.....a large portion of the time, it's just us (occasionally the bro in law's family comes and joins us), although this year my sisters dad moved to Nashville so he'll be joining us this time!

However, the really important part of the weekend of course......KENTUCKY VS. LOUISVILLE GAME SUNDAY!!

Yes, that deserved to be in majorly emphasized. We are so stoked I can't stand it. Hopefully we won't be screaming so loud this time that the neighbors come over and ask if we're okay like last time. (In our defense, we really were winning the championships, it was simply IMPOSSIBLE to be quiet!)

Don't forget tomorrow is wear your college colors day! (No one really has to ask what I'm wearing tomorrow, right?!) GO BIG BLUE!


  1. My gosh! I cant believe how big Lizzy is! She is a tall little thing too! Thats a great picture!

    Im glad you love mickey as much as I hoped you would! And glad your friends are all so awesome so your birthday ROCKED.

    Love you!

  2. jesus christ, your word verification is treacherous and painful and nearly impossible, BLOGSPOT!
