Monday, August 6, 2012

Best Aunt Ever....

I'm not going to lie, sometimes I fully believe that if you look up "best aunt ever", there is a pretty awesome picture of me. I lived up to my title this weekend and kept Kadin for the weekend.

Saturday was Baby B's 1st birthday, and Tresa held his birthday party at my sisters house, so we started the weekend off with some serious cuteness:

Could he be any sweeter? And is there ever a birthday party that is any cuter than the 1st one? Little B sure had no clue what was going on, but he knew there was tons of tissue paper to play with in these gift bags! And could I forget?

We started off with this for a smash cake:

Which looks like complete crap. Seriously. We did B's "official" pictures last weekend and the Smash cake they gave us was SO adorable -- so to get THIS was so disappointing! And that is a massive mound of icing. For a one year old. I scraped around the sides and took so much off before we gave it to him -- and we STILL had to take more off the top for him to get to any of the actual cake. But it wasn't long before he tore it up, and this was all we had left:

A great start to Saturday -- and so fun to get to see little B two weeks in a row! We don't see them as often as we totally should, but that's going to change. 

After his party, I took Kadin and he spent the night at my place. And being spoiled, we went to dinner, did a little shopping, and went to the movies. Since we were by my house, we went to Opry Mills (which, by the way, was an absolutely AWFUL idea for tax free weekend. What was I thinking!? It was almost as bad as re-opening weekend, with traffic lined up for miles down Briley and McGavock!). This is huge for Kadin, because nephew is OBSESSED with the IMAX theater. He claims he wants to live there --- or Opry Mills in general, because his Lego store is there too. So the closer we got, the more I heard Kadin go "I am so homesick, and that is all about to go away because you're taking me home. I'm so happy to go home. I wonder if the IMAX is thinking of me." I told you - he's obsessed.

We started at Bob Evans - where Kadin has never gone before. He continuously noted "how neat" this place was (this kid is so easy to please), and scarfed down his french toast in literally 3 minutes. This child acts like my sister does not feed him! 

Sigh, dessert soon followed obviously. Because I rarely say no to this kid. He wanted to order cookies, and I encouraged him to get something worthwhile and an ice cream sundae is what he came up with. 

But his food for the night doesn't end there, because what did we wind up with at the movies?!

I even said "No" when we got there, and then changed my mind because he is so flipping cute I cannot stand it. And damn it, my K-man has manners, and thanks me, and uses the magic word please. You know I'm big on kids with manners  - who wants to say no to a kid when they are crazy polite?! ;)

We saw the new Wimpy Kid movies, so those of you whose kids love the Wimpy Kid books and movies, I'm sure they'll love it, Kadin thought it was fabulous (and I thought it was pretty cute). I am digging his movie love now - he's turning into Aunt Nicole! We took him to Men in Black III today, and he loved it! (And so did I -- has anyone else seen this?! Totally the best MIB they've made so far!)

And another week kicks off.....with a crazy busy weekend ahead. Inching closer to my birthday weekend, when the best friend drives up for us all to go to Kentucky and party. I need this to hurry up....

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