Sunday, August 12, 2012

Heroes & Friends

It's no secret I have a ridiculous love for Country Music....99.99999% of the people that visit my blog are aware of this. Thanks to my mom and Granny, I appreciate old school stuff and was always at concerts. When we moved to Nashville, I swear it was almost every other day that I was doing my homework in line for a concert.

My mother saw Alabama when she was pregnant with me, and she swears that's why I fell in love with Country so much. I went to sooooo many concerts as a child, but one of my very first concert memories was Randy Travis, when I was just a couple years old. To this day, I remember going with my mom, Granny and sister and have very vivid memories of him on stage in a white suit, and I gave him a rose. When we had the chance to meet him after moving here, he was by far one of the nicest, most polite artists I'd ever met. I still remember being off to the side for a show another night in the rain for PL and having Randy stop and say "I have to know who you're in the rain for!" and we told him P, and him saying "That is wonderful, have a great time with her and I hope she appreciates your dedication." He's just a nice guy.

As everyone and their brother has seen all over the news this week, Randy was drunk, wrecked his vehicle and was found in the road naked. His arrest has been crazily covered by the media. I noticed today people are making parodies of his music....

It makes me sad people think it's funny. I guess I just don't understand. I enjoy going out with my girls and having some drinks, don't get me wrong - but I know not to get behind the wheel afterwards. It is just mind boggling to me to how an instance that could have killed him or killed someone else, and people think it's so funny and are posting funny lyrics on Facebook and Youtube.

My favorite Randy song....I have always been crazy about this song, and I remember watching this version live on the CMA's when it aired. It brings me to tears now, since Tammy and Vern are gone. I sure miss them and genuine country music....I hope Randy is able to find the help he needs and move past this, and return to his music, since he is one of the few trying to keep Country Music alive.


  1. That was one of the best songs he ever cut. I hope he gets his life back on track. Would love to see him live.

    1. He is great live! I don't know how he is right now with everything going on in his life, but in the past years I've seen him, he has been fabulous.
