Monday, August 27, 2012

Girls just wanna have fun....

I have so many other things to catch up on blogging,  (which means my next blog will be kind of backtracking...) but oh well!

Since my birthday is tomorrow, I spent the entire weekend celebrating. Friday my hot date was with my sweet K-man and my sister -- I took the day off and hung out at Sam's, picked little man up from school, and went to see ParaNorman. (Which was super cute, by the way).

Saturday we all went up to Kentucky to head to our beloved  Dolphie's to celebrate! We planned it far in advance, so my sister was able to come with us, and the bestie drove up from GA.

So first and foremost: seriously, what guys think of decorating? We left Denny's and walked over to Dolphie's and discovered all these decorations all over our tables, and my cake sitting out for us - Chris M got there before us, got us checked in the hotel, got the place decorated, and was waiting on our arrival. 99% of you know my ridiculous love for Kentucky, but seriously, every day I'm reminded how awesome all my KY friends are. At one point during the night, George and Chris M both bought me roses and almost every single drink was bought for me.

The bestie & I always color coordinate.....LET'S GO WILDCATS! 

What's that? My sister even wore the blue beads!  No lie, she even bought a UK shirt before we came home!! I am so proud. 

Since it's my birthday, Scotty let me kick off karaoke - there is nothing I love more than our karaoke nights at this place.  Dolphus told Chris M today that "every time those girls come up, everyone has a great time!!" --- we know how to make this place even more awesome than it is. Anyway, I kicked it off with "Harper Valley PTA" .....

Annnnnd since we plan our "set lists" way in advance, Rita and I totally had it planned to do some of our songs back to back --- IE; immediately following my rendition of "Sleeping Single in a Double Bed", she did "Crackers" since they go a little hand in hand. Have I said how much I love karaoke-ing at this place!?! This place is so country, but we still always shock people -- I love when I belt out Kitty Wells. (Especially this time, the guy next to us said "IS SHE SINGING KITTY WELLS?!" and my sister said 'Yes. That is my little sister...I don't even know this song!' and he said "Your LITTLE sister is singing Kitty Wells?!' ) Hahahaha I love my music (even though it annoys the hell out of me when people just automatically assume I don't l know my old school country because I'm younger than them.)

My insanely awesome Golden Girls birthday cake!

Seriously, how amazing!!!!

Because I have amazing friends, before we left for Kentucky, I was given my birthday cake, which Cait and Calvin had an amazing baker do for me ---- featuring my beloved Golden Girls! It's no secret how much my sister and I love our Golden Girls, so this was so perfect - and I totally never expected it! They didn't want to tell me what was on it -- I was so thinking it was going to have a UK on it.

With Chris M....aka Kentucky! 

I played the "I'M THE BIRTHDAY GIRL!" card all night, so I made Rita sing this one for me. If there was ever a song that describes my best friend, it is this one.  I made Chris M sing "You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma" with me. Turns out if you walk around with a crown on your head, people listen to you. 

There were some newbies in the club that came up to me halfway through the night and said "Oh my god, we love when you sing, would you sing something we want to hear??" Thankfully, when I said "Maybe, what song?", they responded with a couple Pam Tillis songs that I knew, so I picked one and ran with it. Before the night was over, Phil had signed Rita up to do "Fist City" -- again, I'm just going to repeat how much I love this place. I know I tell everyone about it all the time, but it really is the best.

"Georgia" & "Kentucky" - love love love these two.

A little blurry (we'll blame it on Chris, he took it!), but my two fave girls! 

We closed the place down again and headed back to Denny's with our group before calling it a night - twice in a day. (We're Denny's deprived in Middle Tennessee, folks.) I think it was 4 when we crawled into bed....I was not happy when the alarm went off Sunday morning :(

And yes, I turn 29 years old tomorrow. Yes, 29 for real, and no I'm not all "Oh noes, I'm almost 30". I always see so many posts about people whining about aging, lying about their age, cracking jokes about being old. I'm the oddball -- I don't care. I get more awesome with age, just sayin...

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