Sunday, September 29, 2013

A little Sunday Social...

It's been a semi-lazy day -- gearing up for a Newborn session tomorrow meant running some errands, but after that, it's really been nothing but a lazy day in watching movies while looking up flights for this winter. I'm not complaining, considering Johnny Depp is on our screen right now....

Sunday Social

So, I'll chime in on the Sunday Social today.....all about jobs!

1. What is your Dream Job?
For the longest time, I wanted to be further in the Music Industry, and it consumed my thoughts when after we moved to Nashville & I was in high school, trying to figure out where I wanted to be. Then I fell in love with design and eventually photography and went down a different path. I still think about doing something along those lines with the Country Music Hall of Fame - because Country Music has changed so much in the past years, I can't stomach today's radio. Vintage Country Music is such a big passion & one of my first loves that the HOF is one of the only place I think I'd be able to do something I love. 

Also, when I decided to go back to school and actually get my degree, I came SO close to going to teach, and had visions of teaching Art to Elementary School aged kids. I still think I would love to do that! 

2. If you had just won the lottery and didn't need to work for money, what would you do with your time?
Travel. I would still keep my Photography Business on the side, and I have a massive list of places I want to visit to photograph. Although considering I buy vinyl records at such a rapid pace, I might go broke kind of easy, and it might not be smart to quit my work ;)

3. What piece of career advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field?
My degree is in Graphic Design & I do Photography as well --- & I'd probably tell people the exact same thing for both: to take a business class or two! So many people think you do nothing but hide behind the computer or camera --- which is so untrue. Business classes will help prepare you for your business. Besides, all knowledge is good knowledge, right? Just take another class or two! 

4. What would be your ideal "just for fun" job?
Winery. Where I can do wine tastings too. 

5. What was your first "real" job?
Wait, what's with the "real" -- isn't a job a freaking job? My first job was K-Mart during High School, which I surprisingly loved for awhile. It probably helped that I met one of my closest friends there. 

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