Thursday, September 19, 2013

Old Timer's Festival...

We've had a busy - but fun - week!

Because we're basically movie junkies, we hit the movies twice over the weekend - and saw the same movie!

Friday & Sunday we went to see the new Robert Deniro/Michelle Pfeiffer movie. Because we love most of Michelle Pfeiffer's work, we went to see it opening night because we loved she was doing another Mob movie. (Who in the world doesn't love Married to the Mob!?) And of course we loved it -- and when one of my friends mentioned she couldn't believe we all went without her & wanted us to go again Sunday....we jumped on it! (Go see it if you like Mob movies, btw. It's funny, and has some sweet moments too. Deniro and Pfeiffer are total badasses, it's worth your money.) 

When I wasn't with the friends at the movies....I was with the fam, I know, I know, no shock there, since I spend alot of my time at my sisters. Our sleepover the other week had us playing "Hollywood Buzz" on the PS2 (Kadin has informed me that I have "a lot of Hollywood knowledge" in my brain)-- and I happened to make a comment that we should have gone to the Fair, but I forgot it was in town.

That immediately made Kadin say "Well, the Old Timer's Festival is here Saturday! We'll go there!! And get funnel cakes!" So needless to say- we took a night out to go to the Old Timer's Festival.....I expected just little man to go with us, but Paige came with us too! It's not often we get the 15 year old out with the whole family! She & I ended up riding most of the rides together, and we had a blast. I'm super fortunate in the aspect of being close to my girl, so I love our moments like this when we have time to gossip! And, of course we started planning the Sweet 16 party- today I made reservations &  put down the deposit! We always split up friends/family parties, but she wanted something special for her friends party, so naturally- it was Aunt Nicole who offered to foot the bill! 

with my babycakes!
with my mr.handsome. so flipping adorable I CANNOT.STAND.IT.

told you, he's obsessed with funnel cakes. 

The Old Timer's Festival is just really super small, in a parking lot basically of a park near my sisters house --- some rides, some games, and then your usual fair food places set up. (And we're in the south, so our fair food includes Fried Oreos, Snickers, any other junk food you can think of) But it was good for a little night out....

Kadin & I rode this ride called "Berry Go Round" - which was basically like the Tea Cups at Disney, except in the shapes of....Strawberries. He was ridiculously amused at showing me how strong he was with his ability to spin the strawberry around, as evidenced in this video: 

Seriously. I love love love this kid. 
Paige & I rode the Ferris Wheel....and I promise, it was as podunk of a Ferris Wheel as you can possibly picture in your head. As we got to the top, the dude sped the ride up a little bit, and we had that instant moment of panic.....
We called this the "this redneck is going to kill us on this ride!" shot. 

Ferris Wheels are supposed to go slooooow. I don't mind fast rides, but...I do mind a tiny ferris wheel that doesn't even appear it can hold the weight of us on the the slot we were riding in, going a little faster than normal. Mental note never to ride that one again.

They had one of those fun house things, and I was SO tempted to go in to take pics, but it was SO teeny tiny that I didn't really think there was much to shoot. I spotted this to the side and my sister & I immediately started singing "You're the One that I Want" - too bad Kadin doesn't appreciate a good Grease singalong! So I had to settle for pics of Kadin coming out --- and the damn thing wasn't even working, it wasn't moving at all, so the kids just walked through. Boo! 
But he totally pulled off one of his wrestler poses --- he cracks me up! 

We capped our night at the hot air balloon. If this thing hadn't been tethered, I would have been ALL ABOUT this! How freaking awesome....but they had it tethered, so you went through all this hassle to get in it, just for it to lift you a little bit. I didn't think it was worth the money. (And that would be my sister coming out in me!) But it was fun to watch....(can you spot Mom & Paige in it!?)

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