Thursday, December 27, 2012


So I've blogged about burnout before, but...I don't know to this extent. Since it's about time for a New Years Resolution, this seems fitting!

I said awhile back I took a few little breaks from shooting professionally - because after awhile, getting the camera out was a job, and I wasn't doing any shooting for me. I'm at a point right now where I don't feel like I'm not shooting for me (because I AM!) but, I'm burnt out because I take on too much. So many people think a photographer shows up and snaps a few photos and is done. But it's not the case - you're shooting, you're culling photos, you're spending hours and hours of editing photos, downloading images, making backups. To run a successful business, you've got to blog or post them elsewhere, etc - you've gotta show people recent work, etc.

 I decided it's time for some changes, to slow down. I am constantly working - and that's going to change. For starters, I've decided to stop photographing weddings. I worked with some seriously amazing brides this year, but I have to stop doing them. While I know I'm simply not charging enough for the stress of shooting a weddings, I also know I don't enjoy shooting them as much as I enjoy some of my other sessions. While I'll complete the ones I am contracted for in 2013, I will no longer take on anymore.  My focus will be on families and babies.

On top of this, I've decided to limit the number of sessions I take on --  majorly. I will no longer be doing multiple sessions in a day, nor will I be shooting multiple days in a row. I'm learning how to say "No". I'm in no way saying I'm giving up my business - but I am saying I will take a step back and draw a line. No more will I give a client my cell number to text me and have them ask about if they can see more photos at 11:30 at night or Christmas morning.

Instead,  I will cut back to an amount of sessions with families and newborn each month. I will enjoy every little one I get to the pleasure of doing a session for - and not feel rushed to get to the next session I've scheduled. All while planning my own time with my own family and friends, and planning all my fabulous trips so I can shoot for me! (My b&w film pictorial of East Kentucky Coal Mines is finally happening this summer!)

"We would do well to slow down a little. Focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter the most"

Quite frankly, 2013 is going to be a whole lot of this:

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