Tuesday, December 11, 2012

You Serious, Clark?

I've said it before: I love Christmas season! I've been working on some Christmas gifts (which I can't wait to post about!), and wrapping gifts each night when I get home typically while listening to Christmas music or watching movies.

And, as many of you, "Christmas Vacation" is one of my favorite movies of all time. I watch it year round, because quite frankly, I think it's just too damn funny to only watch in December! We watch it together as a family on Thanksgiving every year, and again on Christmas Day, with my sister and I obnoxiously quoting it. This year Kadin made the comment, "Aren't you guys tired of watching that movie yet!??". And since our entire family sported Griswold Family Christmas shirts last year --- the answer to that question is NEVER!

I watched it again tonight, so naturally I had to come blog my very favorite parts:

This scene is so under-rated... "That was fun...I love riding in cars!" is one of my favorite lines in the movie. And who doesn't love "Hello Everybody? I should say it? Hello Everybody!"

Nobody's walking on this fun old fashioned family Christmas! 

And of course, the absolute BEST SCENE in the movie. Is it sad we can quote this word for word? Hahaha. It's the gift that keeps on giving -- the whole year.

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