Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A little festive recap!

Hard to believe Christmas is over! It was a great Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day again this year. We spent much of Christmas Eve playing games, and then waiting for Kadin to fall asleep (and waiting on Santa, you know!) Little shit didn't fall asleep until almost midnight, so by that time, my sister and I were already curled up together in what we call the big butt chair watching "Elf", and we'd whipped out the candy cane vodka! 

A little pic spam and commentary of a few pics :) I hope everyone had a great one! 

Christmas Eve present! Of course, it was from Aunt Nicole! (It was Paranorman - seriously cute movie! We saw it in the theater not too long ago)

Family Jenga time! 

Johnny boy meant serious business. Actually, he and Paige did sooooo good. By the end of the game, the rest of us were too afraid to touch it! 

Cookies and Milk for Santa time! I love when we pick out the cookies we're going to leave. Kadin love love loves Granny's Gingerbread Men cookies, so he refused to part with too much of one for Santa!

Every Christmas morning, K-man passes out our gifts, and then builds walls around himself with some of his! 

Sasa and some of her stuff -- Kadin just kind of tossed everyone elses! 

Paige got a new electric guitar :) Any of you that know Paige know how much she loves her music, so this was perfect for her! She's been dying for one. I got her a great "Asking Alexandria" guitar strap to go with it.

I also got her some band hoodies -- teens can be SOOOO hard to shop for, so I felt ridiculously triumphant this Christmas hahaha. Thanks Hot Topic! Side note for the locals, HT ships out of LaVergne, so....everything arrived the day after I placed the order. Win! 

The boy sure loves his wrestling!  He has been asking for this for quite awhile, so you can imagine what he played with most of the day. He wants more wrestlers to go with it now -- Grandpa got him a Visa Gift Card, I have a feeling little man will be spending it on wrestlers pretty soon! (Side note, mom got him a movie gift card and he spent almost the entire thing on Christmas, lmao!)

I sure do love that Sasa wanted a Little Mermaid sweatshirt, hahah, because it was easier to find than I thought it would be. (Again, props to Hot Topic!)

I bought these Wreck It Ralph fists on Black Friday, and they had the bag so I had to buy it! But, we couldn't put it under the tree because we knew he'd know what it, we totally played a "Toy Story"....and after everything was opened, did the "Aunt Nicole is pulling out a surprise present!"

We made this book of Granny for my mom. Obviously, it turned into a pretty sweet moment. I also bought her one of the Origami Owl Living Locket necklaces and picked out all the charms to symbolize my Granny, and it turned out soooo fabulous. I've got to post the pics, since I didn't really take many of her opening it.

The coasters I made were a success :) 

No explanation needed, hahahahaha.

I am so excited! My mom and sister knew how much I've been wanting a quesadilla maker and a cake pop maker, so look what was waiting under the tree for me! I'm about to try out the quesadilla maker today, and the cake pop maker will get tested this weekend! Most of you know what a Moe's junkie I am, haha, so maybe the quesadilla maker will save me from going there 1092102190291 times a month.

I wanted to buy this for myself on Black Friday, but my sister said "no! Mom already bought it for you", hahaha. I am excited to put it up -- now I've got to figure out what pics I want to put in it! And where the heck I want to put it!

Keeping our tradition, Mom, Sam, the kids and I went to the movies before Christmas Dinner....Sam and I wanted to see Les Mes, but since we had Kadin, that was a no go. We let him pick it out, so we ended up seeing Parental Guidance-- which I highly recommend, it was super. We laughed, we cried -- it was worth seeing. 

Kinda sad it's over, but soooo ready to party for NYE!  And I guess we're technically not done celebrating Christmas, since we'll be heading to Opryland this week to see what they've done with the decorations this year. Usually we've done this already, but we wanted to wait on Sasa to fly in and come with us! 

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