Saturday, June 28, 2014

Weekend Ramblings...

The weekend is here! The sis is out of town - for once getting to go on a vacation on her own to Florida! So, in an effort to A) make sure my nephew is properly taken care of in his fathers care, hahah and B) give the nephew and BIL a break from each other, tomorrow I'm picking up Short Stuff to go do some stuff. Not surprisingly, he picked a movie to go see. Surprisingly, he picked a movie from the $2.00 theater and lunch beforehand. What's that, a trip to the movies where Aunt Nicole isn't paying $70+ for everything he wants? Score!

The rest of my weekend will be spent editing, making a few things for myself, and.....planning some trips. Because lets face it, traveling is my life.

So this is what I'm considering now. There's this AMAZING new Con in April in Paris. (And sweet Jesus, it's at a Disneyland Hotel. Is there EVER a con that's screamed my name more??!) And I saw it and toyed with the idea, thinking "Let me see what cast members they get first". But then some of my friends decided they are going, and I should go and we can all have a blast in Paris together.

And what can I say, I'm slowly giving into peer pressure ;-) This week I started looking into it more...and then the official "Paris" pinterest board was created. I guess I'm considering this more seriously than I thought! 

But for now, Paris planning has to wait, because a 12 year old boy is waiting on me to take him to see the Muppets! 

Happy weekend!

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