Thursday, June 12, 2014

Full Circle...

I've blogged so many times about how easy it is to get photographer burnout. The struggle is real when I overbook myself on sessions, or when I take on more weddings than I really should. I've often been grateful I chose to take the design route in college for work, and opt for running my photography on the side - because it always helped me enjoy shooting more. Eventually, I'm going to fully learn how to not spread myself thin during the busy seasons of the year.

Editing today, I was reminded why I love doing what I do. Over the weekend, I was so happy to meet sweet week & a half old baby Lucian. I've been looking forward to meeting this little guy for months.

Lucian's parents were referred to me 2 1/2 years ago when they got engaged, when we did their engagement session:

It wasn't long after we struck up a great friendship - these two are just precious and the most perfect couple for each other. It wasn't long after, these two crazy kids got married at the gorgeous, gorgeous Belle Meade Plantation.

It was a "I will never let anyone else take our photos" relationship, or as Angela repeatedly told me at her wedding, "You're my girl, no one else is allowed to take our pictures! You're my girl!" And although she was slightly intoxicated, I knew I really would be the only one to do their photos ;-)

Which brings us to a few months after the wedding, when we did their first family session at home, after the "newlywed" phase was over.

And then in September, I got the news Little L was on his way! When they found out the sex in December, she immediately text me (bursting in excitement, mainly because she just had to spill the beans to someone the sex of the baby) to set up a gender reveal session so they could announce to the family. 

A few ideas tossed around, and we decided the best way to announce the gender was with some Cowboy Boots! Nothing describes these two quite like "Country", with their cozy little barn in the middle of nowhere. So Grandma bought brown boots and pink boots....and anxiously awaited for me to upload a photo on Facebook to announce to their friends which pair of boots Little L would be wearing....

But their sessions (obviously) don't end there, because we squeeze just one more in before little man decided to make his arrival...

And that brings us to this now, where Little Lucian comes in. I couldn't think of a better way to spend my Sunday than doing a session with this little lovebug and snuggling and smooching him after. I'm super fortunate to do what I do - not only for the incredible memories I get to create, but for the cases like this where I also make  some incredible friendships.

I've been dying to get this shot, but no newborns lately have gone into such a deep sleep to let me get them situated. Lucian crashed right at the end of his session & I wanted to get a shot of him sleeping with his Woody from Toy Story doll -- and that sweet baby slept so well that I decided to jump on my book shot! 

Welcome to the world sweet baby Lucian, I can't wait to watch you grow up! 

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