Wednesday, June 18, 2014

enter fangirl mode...

While it feels like my life lately has been a ton of fangirl squealing, I actually HAVE been super busy doing sessions & editing!

But, the fangirl in me came out again today. I have zero shame for the fangirling I do for my show. Which is why I was pretty stoked to run into Colin O'Donoghue today in Nashville! He's in Nashville filming a movie before Once Upon a Time goes back into production - lucky us! So yes, I took today off to get my picture with Captain Hook.

Such a sweetheart he was, immediately signing our stuff (and now that I've got my S2 DVD signed, I need the rest of the cast to sign it!), engaging in a quick conversation about how different he looks (because let's face it: he looks so baby faced without the scruff and guy-liner!) & taking photos with us!

Since we didn't expect to actually get him until our Vancouver trip to the set of the show, we were super excited to see him today!


Moving on, little man & I went to see Maleficent! I have been SO EXCITED for months that they were making a movie about Maleficent. I was less than thrilled when Jolie got cast for the part, but....considering she's one of the greatest Disney Villains of all time, I sucked it up!

Ever since he was little, I've had the tradition of taking Kadin's pic in front of the movie poster we're going to see. Thank goodness he still lets me do it!

SIGH. This falls in the "Aunt Nicole is such a sucker" category. I let him get churros, a large popcorn and a large drink all before we had dinner.

I was so captivated by Maleficent. I kept hearing they changed the ending, and wasn't sure what I would think, but I loved it! And I love that Kadin watched Sleeping Beauty the night before we went so he could compare the two - love this kid! They really did a fabulous job on the story - on Maleficent's back story, and bringing the whole Sleeping Beauty story back in the spotlight. 

And I probably never saw myself saying this, but...Angelina was actually the perfect casting for the role.

After letting Kadin digest all that ridiculous junk, I took him to Johnny Rockets. Is it any surprise he wasn't very hungry & barely ate any of his dinner?? The perks of being the awesome aunt. (Plus the little runt talked me into buying him another wrestling set. These kids will kill my credit card!)

I could sit at their booths all day -- I love the nostalgia! I wish the jukeboxes worked....

Back to photo editing I go....Happy Mid-week!

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1 comment:

  1. Colin O'Donoghue looks so incredibly different there! Wow! I didn't even realize who it was until I started reading! (He's a cutie - I very much prefer the scruff, though. Rawr).

    I want to see Maleficent. Sleeping Beauty is one of my favorites - have to check it out. I may wait until it's out on video, though. :)
