Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Independence Day!

Soooo much to update. Where do I actually begin? It's been a whirlwind July, that's for sure. But while the first half of the month flew by, the second half is going to drag. I have finally given myself some time off!

Aside from working & being caught up in wedding shooting, what's been going on? Backing up the the holiday weekend...

4th of July was of course, fabulous with the family. Salem was visiting us this year, so we got some great Sasa time in! We really did nothing but have a great cookout by the pool, with our family & John's family.

Love my kiddos! Paige had to work - our first year of not having her around for a holiday! She was none too pleased to miss our annual fireworks, but things change when you join the working world!

and obviously, sis & I had to snapchat the twincousin
Because what else would we do out by the pool?

The boys did the usual firework show...giving us heart attacks. Well, I say us but it was mom, Salem (ah, thank goodness my niece is a smart one!) & I that kept panicking as Kadin kept helping with the fireworks. And we worried for good reason, since Kadin set one off on uneven surface, it tipped & shot out at us! Enter panic mode hahaha. Salem, Mom & I were the wusses that stood off to the side of the house & held our  breath everytime Kadin chimed in to help with the fireworks.

But, we had some really really beautiful fireworks! I've had little time to actually work on many of my firework pics, but a couple faves were:

New meaning to lit up the sky!

Sparklers with my Sasa! 

Mom & I went to Hurricane Mills on Saturday to see the Loretta Lynn show again - this time to see the Conway Twitty tribute. It was a great trip & a pretty great day with Mom. Since the bestie was handling things after her mother's sad passing that week, she didn't get to come with us this time around. So weird to be there without her, and given the circumstances, I certainly appreciated time with my mom a little more. 

Happy Tuesday--- can this week fly by now? Because I actually have a free weekend to do NOTHING, or even go hang out with my friends! Not only do I have this weekend, I gave myself THREE WEEKENDS in a row! Go me!

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