Monday, May 19, 2014

A tale of two cousins....

It was partially a gross weekend in Nashville. While we had one beautiful day, we had rain & mud another which = Nicole being as lazy as humanly possible. So, over the weekend some, I've done a little work on something special I've been putting together for the Twin Cousin (also, no, Emily you do NOT get to see this until you get married, so....I get to be a total tease until August-ish!). What happens when you mix a creative mind with a design degree? A ton of freaking ideas.

And in working on this, "Something Borrowed" came on - one of the ultimate favorite movies. I suppose it's because I was working on this specific project, but the moment in the movie prior to the wedding, girls had their obnoxious dance off & curled up on the floor together in a Strawberry Shortcake blanket & discussed how they'd always been there for each other, my mind immediately went to us while watching.

Everyone that doesn't know us laughs when I use the phrase twin cousins, but...if they really knew us, they'd realize just how fitting the title is.

I'm completely rocking Fievel pajamas and Em is rocking pearls & pajamas. Don't hate how adorable this is. Also, fabulous hair has apparently always been a trait. 

As kids, we were always the two cousins that were always together. At a family reunion trying to hunt one of us down? Just ask where the other one was.....(although chances are we were found in the coat area hanging out, talking shit about people. We learned that pretty early on! Or maybe we were catching our siblings giving underage cousins liquor & telling our parents on them. God we were awesome together, even if our siblings wanted to kill us!) 

Or maybe we were on stage knocking down some tunes at karaoke, in our best party dresses with Emily's crimped hair? (Can we talk about how my mom didn't know how to do my hair as a child? If i needed it crimped or braided, one of my aunts had to do it!) 

no one has ever sang material girl quite like two small children at a family reunion. 

I've often said we were more like sisters than cousins - we knew how to fight with each other, we knew how to argue, we knew how to have the best time together, and we knew how to be ridiculous. And at the end of the day, we knew the other always had the others back. (Read: I can totally call her a bitch, but I will cut you if you attempt this!) 

this was a pretty infamous night. "we're running low on cranberry juice already?!'

It's funny that we're states away from each other, but it never feels that way because we spend so much of our time talking/texting/tweeting/fb-ing and have basic twin cousin telepathy brain sharing. 

I mean, who else can I send fabulous gems to like this?

don't hate on our love for Frozen

Who else can I be this dramatic with when my flat iron dies?

The answer to that is no one! Love this girl more than life. And I'm so excited to finish up what I'm working on for her! 

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