Friday, May 16, 2014

5 on Friday time...

Not sure how Friday crept up so quickly - although two days ago I was whining about how long it was taking to get here. I've got my vacation itch, and I just need time to fly by!

It's that time again...

I am still compleeeeeetely bitter about my Once Upon a Time finale, as most of my friends know. Whyyyy must they make it so hard for my faves? And why must they make me want to punch Emma in the face on a regular basis?  Oh how the ending looked oh so happy for a brief shining moment...

I'll let my bitterness subside since two weeks from now, we meet those two (and of course by those two, I mean Lana and Sean)! Hooray for being a nerd, it means I love the shows that do all the good conventions! ;) 

speaking of my shows, I was also totally gutted by Grey's Anatomy this week, but in a much better way. I couldn't have come up with a better send off to Cristina than that, and I ugly cried the entire last 20 minutes. Shonda Rhimes is such a genius. Cristina's "Don't let what he wants eclipse what you need. He's very dreamy but he's not the sun. You are." speech to Meredith was one of my favorite things she's ever said on the show. (And I burst into tears when they had to dance it out once last time!) I was a little sad she didn't have more of a goodbye with Owen, was super fabulous to have an actual Farewell show without her dying! 

the shopaholic in me isn't sure this is a great thing, but Middle TN is now about to have TWO H&M's! which will mean there's one 5 minutes from my house and one 5 minutes from my house. Is my paycheck prepared for this!? 

a week from today we leave for the beach, so the book nerd in me started picking up a couple books I wanted to read while lounging on the beach...this year I really wanted something funny, so one of the books I picked up was "Dear Girls Above Me",  written from a guy's perspective when two ditzy girls moved into the apartment above him. 

tomorrow is laundry day & crashing at my sisters for the night to hang out, which means tonight's my last weekend night at home trying to get stuff together. therefore...

Happy weekend! 

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1 comment:

  1. I'm SO EXCITED to meet them. My flight leaves in less than 2 weeks, so now anticipation is driving me crazy lol!

    I've been Team Regina since S1...and Emma's been driving me nuts all season! But the end of that....I was like omg, you guys never want me to like Emma again!!! Sigh.
