Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

It's 3:00 on a Sunday and I've got to be at a friends house at 6:00 for a Season Finale OUAT party - and all I can think of is if I can squeeze a nap in before having to get ready. Sigh. I'm lame.

But, I at least DID have a super busy morning, so I earned a nap. That's what I'm going to tell myself anyway. Mom wanted to do breakfast & the zoo for mothers day, so my sister suggested 9am.  Getting up at 7:30 on a Sunday isn't really my favorite thing, but I sucked it up.  Paige had to work, so it was just Mom, Sam, Kadin and I today.

We let Kadin get a french vanilla coffee - and that was on top of his cinnamon sugar french toast. This meant we had an INSANELY hyper 12 year old for the day. From the restaurant to my house to drop off my car, his mouth literally never stopped and I had a hard time keeping up! (We contributed to his sugar high even more at the zoo, when we let him get the largest icee they had so he could get his free refills) 

As we left, Kadin informed us he was the "Leader of this family", so he wanted to drive. Clearly, someone was dreaming! But, we did let him be the leader at the zoo :) 

with the sis & the mom!

We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day today - even if it did get pretty hot after walking around for a few hours. Mom really wanted to see the kangaroos, and that she got:

The kangaroos are so adorable, and just come over and chill and pretty much let you do whatever. This particular one they said was very lovingly hand raised and was one of the best ones they had with people. She was all over the place, going person to person, eating carrots. Mom & Kadin were both ecstatic! 

Sam & I have a family membership at the zoo, so we know it in & outs and go pretty often, but we hadn't gone in a little we ended up exploring a little more. I was a little bummed they were working on the Tiger exhibit and only had one, super far away that you really couldn't tell much of and couldn't really get a photo of because he was so incredibly far back. 

Thinking ahead, my sister picked up some purple beaded necklaces for us to wear, as a small little nod to remember Granny today.  

my little love bug!

I'd say it was a pretty successful mothers day! This might be the first year we didn't go play baseball thought - seems every Mother's Day we all wind up outside, playing baseball with Kadin screaming at every base "THIS IS THE BEST MOTHER'S DAY EVER!" Hopefully the zoo lived up to that today! A little more pic spam...

this kangaroo was beyond adorable and kept turning and posing for me every time I seemed to have my camera in my hand instead of my cell phone. I really didn't shoot a ton with my camera, but he sure sensed every time I got it out! 

still my favorite exhibit. the gator exhibit reminds me of home!

Mom, Kadin & I all rode the carousel - and as Mom and I got up and picked out the animals to ride, Kadin sat in the chair behind us! "Nah, I'm good, I just want to ride it on this". Soooo...Mom and I were the kids all excited about the animals, and Kadin was very chill in his seat.

Because riding the carousel is what every 30 year old does with their Mom on mothers day, right?!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mama's! 

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1 comment:

  1. Looks like a super fun day! That kangaroo is ADORABLE! I miss going to zoos... one of my goals is to get to the National Zoo in DC this year. :)

    Also, HOW IN THE HECK is Paige old enough to have a job?! What?!
