Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans....

I can't really join the trend of "Boo, it's Monday!" posts I've been seeing -- since I work from home Mondays, I sleep longer. More sleep = a much more pleasant Nicole.

When we implemented the work from home schedule, I couldn't jump on Monday fast enough. I loathed Mondays - I have zero shame in saying I was usually a royal bitch on Mondays.

This is PL week! She's playing the Opry on Friday & Saturday, so we've got a huge week planned. The bestie will be here Thursday so we can head downtown to Dancin' in the District (oh wait - they changed the name to something stupid like Nashville Dancin' or something. Whatever.), and then the Opry consumes our Friday and Saturday nights. Larry will be with us Friday night & have a ton of stuff on the horizon, so over the weekend, he & I went shopping. Because of course, new clothing is required! (Let's not even mention that Thursday night I had the most ridiculous "I WANT TO RUN MY EX OVER WITH MY CAR!" type sing along in my living room--- I needed to get out & have a great time.)

 First things first: Nashville now has an H&M!


Do you know how much more complete my life is with H&M in my city?! They opened mid-week, but it was SO insane with people waiting hours in the parking lot to get in, we decided to wait until Saturday. And it was totally worth the wait...this place is huge and heaven. Not to mention, they had all these crazy opening sales.

my partner in crime for the day! 

Aside from some serious shopping (where I bought two new dresses, a skirt, a jacket - all of which I have decided not to wear this week, what?!), we went and saw The Purge.

I love creepy movies - even as a total chicken shit that will scream bloody murder (okay, so that only happened once, and the twin cousin was with me and shrieked too!), I still make myself go see this stuff. Anyway, the premise was basically crime in America is largely eliminated by 2022, and the government has started an annual purge - for 12 hours one night every year, all crime is legal. They claim it's to give people the outlet they need to blow off steam. 

It was good-- but it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. (Although I promise, it will definitely make you glad the Purge doesn't exist!!!) Ethan Hawke makes the movie worth it (even if you just look at him! Swoon!) - but there were multiple scenes that Larry and I were cracking up at and I'm not sure that laughter was the intended reaction here.

And to end with the cutest boy in the world --- when the kids came over this week, Kadin was over the moon about his new John Cena wrestling shirt, so he had to put it on and pose:

CUTEST.BOY.EVER. (and he'll kill me for saying that, since he wants us to call him "Handsome and Entertaining" instead of cute & funny)

Now to go make the rest of my Monday productive.....

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