Saturday, June 29, 2013


The weekend! After my newborn session today, I plan on being as lazy as possible.

I love our hot summers, and usually wind up spending a lot of my weekends at my sisters...soooo I crashed over there last night & we had a night of chinese take-out and then cocktails by the pool. My brother in law turned the lower part of the back deck into a tiki bar....

Kadin after the Tiki Bar remodel started

It turned out pretty awesome. Kadin clearly gives it his approval - he loves it! He kept referring to last night as "the party" -- I'm not really sure what he thought we were going to be doing, but every 5 minutes I heard, "So, Aunt ready to get this party started!?"

Keeping it classy....screwdrivers in Disney's Monsters Inc cups! PS: Whipped Cream Vodka is so fabulous, it makes it hard to have regular vodka after. 

Yes, we put tiny umbrellas in our Monsters Inc cups....and Kadin had this huge discussion with us on what Monster each of us was going to get. Serious business in my sisters house. 

For someone who was so pumped about "the party", Kadin totally ditched us to go watch WWE for two hours! We were in the pool by 8 and he didn't even come barreling into the pool until 9. We made up for it and spent a few hours with him --- those kids are so much fun in the pool. From jumping to making a whirlpool to monkey in the middle -- we all had a blast. We capped off the night outside by lighting torches and playing on the electronics. At one point, I was on the iPad, Paige was on the other iPad, Sam was on her iPhone, and Kadin was on my iPhone....ah, bonding over Apple products.

with my sissy! 

So, my best friend & I have been keeping a log of stuff we've said for about a year now -- it's absolutely hilarious to go back and read the stuff we've said. Apparently, I need to start doing this for Kadin. This kid comes up with the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life.... he's SO into wrestling and wants to be just like John Cena - who my sister happens to love. So Kadin decided he's going invite all his favorite wrestlers to his house -- and asked, "Soooo Mom what would you say to John Cena!?" and Samantha said "Oh, I'd just be oh hey John Cena, come over here with me!" and Kadin popped out with....."You'd have private tickle time with him, wouldn't you!?" and we all died laughing. I have no idea WHERE he got that one! Love that kid!

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1 comment:

  1. i really need to go to samantha's one weekend to drink at the tiki bar. and to be entertained by the little man, lol!
