Monday, June 24, 2013

Playing catch up...

It's a gross, rainy morning in Nashville today....which means I'm going to do everything I can to stay home & watch Netflix all day.

Sooo much to catch up on, last weekend was definitely one of the most fun weekends I've ever had in my life. Serious picspam ahead, though-you're forewarned!

Last week, the bestie drove in Thursday morning so we could hit "Nashville Dancin"  (Can I just repeat how stupid I think this name is and how I'll simply continue to refer to it as Dancin' in the District?) 18 South was on the opening night, so we decided to go since Jon Randall (Rita's fave!) is in 18 South, and it would give her a chance to see him again. The day was all for her - she was over the moon getting to hear him again! The band is also made up of a bunch of talented musicians - a few of which used to play for PL back in the day.

Paige asked me if she could come out with us one night while Rita was here. She really isn't into country much anymore, aside from P --- all these bands she's into I've never heard of before (I felt 100 years old walking into Hot Topic at Christmas to get her all these band hoodies she wanted.), so I really wasn't sure she'd have a good time, but her last few "crash at Aunt Nicole's" nights have been with Kadin, so I knew she wanted a night away from her brother. Soooo......

Yes, that's her behind the wheel.  Have I mentioned I'm so not ready for this?! Truth be told, she's actually a REALLY great driver. For 15 years old, she's much more cautious and careful than most of the adults I know. She didn't really make me nervous ---okay, just once! She couldn't see out of the parking lot and inched forward to see better, and instead of stopping when she inched forward - she just went. But nonetheless - she's a good driver and she is getting great practice. (No interstates yet!) She drove us home at the end of the night too. Sigh. Repeat, I'm not ready for this.

18 South did a great show - seriously, this is a talented group of folks (and I really did take great pictures of all them, but PL took priority in my photo editing department and I haven't even finished the 18 South photos yet! I had to prioritize, and since JR is Rita's man, I tried to start with the ones of him!):

Oh, and the 15 year old had a great time - and as we left, she was flirting with the band members from the band that opened the show? Good Lord, we are in trouble with this girl, I swear! She is soooooo my sister all over! (Yikes!)

Paige with The Lonely Biscuits -- a bunch of local Belmont Boys that she totally loved.

with the bestie

Rita & Paige

If Thursday was Rita's day, Friday was totally mine. Larry picked us up for dinner a little early so we'd have time to sit and talk for awhile --- Rita hasn't seen Larry in almost 2 years, so I had to play the "OH MY GOD, tell her about..." game the entire night. Such a great time - love these peeps, I'm so fortunate to be surrounded by such fabulous people! I say that so often, but I truly mean it.

Rita & our waitress - her name was Margarita (yes for real) --- and Rita instantly shouted "Oh my god, Margarita Rita, we have to get a picture together!" We were Margarita's most entertaining table.

Also, Friday was National Bourbon Day! Kentucky Lemonades, FTW!  

We had to drop Rita off at the main entrance to the Opry because we were only able to have two people backstage.  Larry & I started the short trek to the back of the Opry House and began a seriously awesome night!

I got so incredibly tickled when we walked in and saw they had P's picture up on the TV's in the back with "Patty Loveless Celebrates her 25TH Opry Anniversary"  - it's soooo about time they made a big deal about her --- it was the first I've been pleased with the Opry in a long time!  I am so proud of her, and when I walked into this, I was over the moon!

Larry and I spent most of the night wandering around backstage, catching up with folks, and meeting some new ones -- I swear every person we ran into knew Larry or has worked with him at some point! Either people he's working on records with now, or people that knew him back when he was Dottie's manager, he knew 90% of the people we ran into. A little pic spam of the night:

The Opry stage all by it's lonesome...

Hanging out with Larry backstage...

With P! Love, Love, Love this girl. I designed a hardcover book for her to show all these years of shows, all the great memories so many of us have with her, etc,..I've had it sitting at the house for months and finally gave it to her Friday night, and she loved it! (Although the comment that "you being here is enough!" when I handed it to her might have been my highlight!)

Larry & sweet Jennifer. Larry's been working with Jennifer on some of his projects, and was thrilled to run into her and catch up!

I love all the Opry dressing rooms, but this is one of my favorites....I'm drawn to the color scheme. It's the design nerd in me. 

And on the subject of dressing rooms, we took over the Porter Wagoner dressing room! Here's Larry sitting on the bright purple couch in it, hah. Considering how obsessed my Granny was with the color purple AND Porter Wagoner, this room could not be any more perfect! 

W/ Emory (for my uninformed friends, he's the most bad-ass bass player ever. He's also married to P.)

And if you want to know what the Queen Bee in action looks like:

love.this.girl. This is the real deal, folks. Not to mention, there's no words to describe how much P helped me get through adolescence.  (Okay, well there probably is, and I'll attempt it in the next blog)

And because Saturday will be equally as long, and I need to go fax paperwork (who bought a new car out of the blue this week?! This girl! I told you....lots to catch up on!), and seriously get going on wedding photo editing -- I'll break this into two entries..

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1 comment:

  1. Love all these pics! And Rita's dress or shirt, the white and green, is adorable, I want it!

    True friends are totally hard to find. Keep Rita and Larry around!
