Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday Social...

How does the weekend fly by so quickly?!

I spent the day with my sister, brother in law & kids John could look over my car and give me the "looks good" for my upcoming trip, do laundry, and lounge around. I'd love to say we had a busy day playing games or something, but in reality, the kids put in Spiderman 2 and my sister and I lounged on the couch together and gossiped. Lazy Sunday indeed.

Annnd, it's Sunday Social time..

Sunday Social

1. What is your favorite kind of surprise?
Ones I seriously know NOTHING about -- because if I even have a remote hint, I will find out what's going on. My sister and I used to get our parents to tell us what they got the other one for Christmas, and then we'd tell each other so we'd have zero surprises on Christmas morning.

2. Flowers or chocolate?
chocolate! Preferably mixed with peanut butter :)

3. What is your favorite summertime activity?
It's a tie between road trips with my bestie & pool time at my sisters with the kids. 

4. Do you have any vacations planned this summer?
A ton. Florida this weekend, Lexington for 4th of July, Ohio to visit family at the end of July to start!

5. Favorite summer holiday?
My birthday is in the summer, does that count as a summer holiday?! 

6. What is your dream vacation?
Greece or Paris!

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