Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day...

We had a great Mother's Day cookout at my sisters today...small with just sis, John, the kids, Mom & her boyfriend. John did the cooking - he does every year - and Paige and I handled dessert. And by handled, I mean Paige baked cookies, and then she & I went to the store and bought pies & cheesecake.

For mom this year, I bought her a ticket to see Loretta Lynn with us in August. Mom loves her, and has seen her tons and tons of times at the Opry - but never seen a full show yet! I keep telling her how great the full shows are, and she wanted to go, but I knew she wouldn't spend almost $70 on a ticket. Not to mention, there's really no better gift for me to give her than a concert ticket - my mom & I had plenty of issues as most mother-daughters do, but it was music we bonded on. She swears I fell in love with Country Music like she and my Granny because they went to an Alabama concert when she was pregnant with me.  I was a country concert goer with my mom when I was only a few years old and never stopped. We traveled to Nashville for Fan Fair together, moved to Nashville and started hitting every TV taping, writers nights - Mom and I were always gone after we moved here, because we were usually at a concert.

My sister STILL complains to this day... "Mom let you skip school all the time or pulled you out early all the time to take you to concerts!"

Keith Urban concert a few years ago....
Kadin, Mom & I 

With my sweet, beautiful Paige. How my niece grew up so quick is beyond me! I'm so thankful for being able to see my sweet babies every week and having watched her grow up into such a young woman. Having a close relationship to her has made my life so much richer.

my babies....I love these kids more than life itself.

After lunch, we watched a movie and Kadin mentioned he wanted to play baseball, so Paige and I offered to go out and play with him. A few minutes later, Mom came out, followed by Sam, Dana, and John. We played for a little over an hour and had so much fun --- Kadin was so thrilled we were all playing at one point he screamed, "THIS IS THE BEST MOTHER'S DAY EVER!" as he ran to a base. 

Everyone had a great time, and Mom loved it -- Mother's Day is always hard on her since Granny died. Paige tickled her today by wearing one of Granny's cardigans & jewelry.

Kadin takes it so seriously, and when he got to bat, he would twirl the bat above his head a very specific way for "good luck" 

When Kadin was little....we would go to Target during the hours Mom worked, and he would always walk the aisles and shout "GRANNY TARGET...." to differentiate her from other people answering to 'Granny'. Today while we played, Kadin started cheering "Lets go Granny, let's go! Let's go Target, Let's go!". He cracks me up! 

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