Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

I'm not sure how the heck the weekend flies by so quick, but I am so not a fan.

We had our little get together for Granny's birthday this Saturday, and aside from getting stuff together for that, we had the most unproductive weekend ever. There are two photos that could completely explain our Saturday:

We started off with Vodka & Grape Juice. In a mason jar, because in the South, everything tastes better in a mason jar, right?! We got these seriously adorable straws to go with them too!

Kadin & Lizzie had so much fun in the pool, and of course he had to show off his jumping skills!

When I say otherwise unproductive, I mean it. I stayed at my sisters until 8pm Sunday night, and it was like noon that she and I crawled in bed with Mom to watch this weird Nicole Kidman movie "The Stoker". Mom left after that, and Samantha and I stayed in bed and watched a pretty terrible movie, "Spring Breakers" & then one of our fave movies of all time - National Lampoon's Vacation

That was the extent of our weekend. Paige chilled in her bedroom, Kadin was in the living room playing games with Mom's boyfriend, the bro-in-law was doing car work in the garage, so piling up to watch movies together seemed like the best option. Who needs to get dressed? Pajamas all day FTW, for sure. 

Friday night, Larry and I did get out for an 11:30 showing of 'Grown Ups 2'

I totally thought it was funnier than the first!  Some of the reviews don't seem to agree with me, but it was hilarious, and seriously star-studded. When we left, Larry made the comment he hadn't laughed that hard in a long time -- which is the goal of the movie, so I say it was a success! Everyone takes every movie so incredibly serious lately....this was a great light summer comedy! I really do love most of Adam Sandler's movies (I'm still scratching my head over that god-awful "That's my Boy" though!!).

And now it's packing time...Mom & I are heading to Ohio this week to see family! That means in just a few short days, I'm reunited with my twin cousin & god help Ohio with both of us running around together!

We're just babies here!!!!

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