Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Five

Okay, I'm joining in on Five on Friday today! (If you haven't looked up 5 on Friday, it's super easy, just 5 things on your mind, or anything goes, and link up with the ladies hosting!) Happy Friday!!!

ONE. Disney Movie Club.

Joining was the highlight of my week.  Yes, I'm serious. Yes, I'm almost 30. The thing is I've been trying to get my VHS collection from my childhood to DVD, which I finally completed, and now I want to do the same for all the great classics from when the kids were little, etc. I figured this was an easy way to get some of those, and I buy all the new ones anyway because heaven forbid Aunt Nicole doesn't have Wreck it Ralph or something when Kadin comes to spend the night. You're never too old for Disney, right??

TWO. Metro Animal Control.

I'm so frustrated. We've got a Pit Bull wandering the neighborhood. He's really aggressive, and I had to turn the alarm on my car yesterday to distract him to let me get into my house - and when he got close to me yesterday I saw scars all over his head, so that says to me he could be fighting. I have tried to call Animal Control NINE TIMES about this dog and no one has answered my call. I don't get what we're supposed to do, let him wander until he attacks someone?  What the hell is the point of animal control if they aren't even taking calls? Apparently I need to call police. 

THREE. The Golden Sisters.

This show is seriously the funniest show I've ever seen. These elderly sisters got a show after a video on youtube went viral. They are a must watch every week, but we keep watching all these random youtube videos they made too, and they are just hilarious. Hearing them try to explain to the other sister what a "hashtag" is might be the funniest thing ever - and hearing them STILL not get it makes for great entertainment. Everyone needs to watch them! This clip is one of my faves... "Hashtag Papa's Wine is the best"

It's almost like you can't live in the South if you don't own something monogrammed. How I've not had a monogrammed phone case is beyond me. I finally realized this this week and ordered one! LOVE this:

The downfall of being a social media addict is when apps no longer work....Tweetdeck began massively crashing so I decided to re-install it only to discover it is no longer being offered. Insert panic here. I decided to check out Hootsuite and Echofon, and attempted those for a few weeks. No dice, I hated them. A little research told me to check out Twitterific, and by the screenshots, I loved the feel so I decided to pay for the app. Best.move.ever. I love this app! Cleanest app I've ever used for twitter by far. It's the little things, folks....

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