Saturday, November 16, 2013

A little catching up...

What blog neglect.....

Every year I say I won't book myself crazy during Holiday Portrait season. And every year I book MORE than I did the year before. It has been a crazy couple of weeks with sessions & editing, and finally winding down - although I have a couple more today!

Aside from running around like crazy with the camera, I've squeezed in tons of time with my sis, the kids, and the bestie. Last night I caught up with one of my best friends from high school, Leslie. We see each other often for weddings, photo shoots -- but have not had a girls night out since High School. Just last month I had the "Wah, I want to move to Kentucky!" urge again, but this month has reminded me of how much I love Tennessee, and my life in it. (But let's not lie, if my sissy ever moves, this girl is packing up. I believe we've already discussed how I can't function without my sister!) I will settle for being an hour from Kentucky (and where are we going next weekend after we go to the George Jones tribute? Kentucky, of course!)

My "I want to move to Kentucky" urge kicked back in because the bestie & I went back to East Ky -- to see Don Williams at Renfro Valley! Be still my heart -- Don Williams. Sigh. He was beyond incredible. All I wanted was to hear "Lord I Hope This Day is Good" live. That's all. It's only one of the greatest songs of all time, by anyone.

It doesn't get any better than road trips with the bestie!

Our moment of heaven during the show....

Last weekend the 2nd parents came to town from Baltimore, so we hit a few shows and Sunday I took them to the new Johnny Cash museum. If you've not been to Nashville lately, this is worth a visit. I'm so tickled at watching it come to life - they did such a great job on it! 

This wall of records is so freaking incredible. The vinyl nerd in me completely freaked out over this.

And then the photo nerd in me freaked out over this, Johnny Cash's old Leica.  Cash was a really talented photographer - I can only imagine the stuff captured on here....

If you wondered what one of the coolest Grammy's in the world looks like, this is it. Cash Grammy for Folsom Prison Blues.

Annnnd here I stand toe to toe with Johnny Cash's boots. Kind of a big deal.

I now own the coolest pillows you've ever seen in your life. My living room is greater than your living room. True Story.

And with that slight catching up.....I'm off to two more photo sessions!

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