Thursday, October 17, 2013


First and Foremost….nothing gives me the “Man I have my shit together” feeling more than looking down and realizing I unintentionally coordinated my nail polish with my outfit. Is there anything better in life than fabulous nail polish? I think not.

Anyway...yes, I hashtagged my subject. It's only appropriate for an entry about my twin cousin. (I mean after all, who else can I count on to hashtag in my birthday cards?!) I woke up to the greatest text from a friend this week, saying  “Occasionally, I mistake Emily’s tweets for yours and vice versa. Sometimes you are like….the same person”.

It’s really fabulous that everyone else recognizes the awesomeness that is the twin cousin & I.  I have a large family on my father’s side. Truth be told, I’ve got first cousins I’ve never even met. But, there were a couple aunts & uncles we were close to on that side, and Em’s dad was one of them.  As a result…..Em & I were relatively inseparable as children.  I’ve always said I don’t know how to function without my sister, and I think that probably applies to Em too.

Aside from being the most bad ass Cricket & Magic Nursery Doll owners you ever did meet, we knew how to fight like sisters, we knew how to obnoxiously sing together (a trait we have carried on and on….) and of course, we knew how to snitch on our big siblings --- together, of course. (Because who ELSE was going to tell on our siblings for giving minors alcohol at our family reunion, right?? I mean, that was OUR JOB! And what a great job we did!)

And 28 years later, she’s still one of the most awesome people ever that I love more than anything. I’m not sure how I’d function if a day went by that we didn’t speak. (Or how I would purchase clothes without texting her a picture of them first to get her thoughts)

The important thing is today I booked my flight to Ohio in December! I haven’t been back for a family reunion in years, and this year felt like a good year to do it – and obviously gives me a few days with my cousin again! And, we just started planning our most epic Disney vacation ever next year--- look out Ariel, Prince Charming, Snow White & Chip & Dale, we’re coming your way! (And we might cry. Because it’s another thing we’re really really awesome at.)

Speaking of which, has anyone stayed at Disney's Art of Animation resort? I am booking us there because I’m convinced our lives will be over if we don’t get to stay in a Little Mermaid room.  It looks beyond fabulous, and we might completely geek out over the Little Mermaid pool. Also, because we’re awesome, I looked up the closest bars (because nothing says Disney like crying over the Little Mermaid & then downing some vodka?) and it appears there’s one near the pool? Win, Win, Win all around.

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