Sunday, July 22, 2012

Happy Birthday....

Friday would have been my Granny's 85th Birthday. It is crazy to think she's been gone 2 years now, and we sure miss her like crazy. There hasn't been a day that has gone by in the past 15 months where my Sister, Mom & I haven't talked about her. (Side note: Friday ALSO would have been my Grandparent's Wedding anniversary. It tickles me they married on her birthday, and I have in my head when I get married, it will fall on  July 20th!)

Anyway, every year on the anniversary of her death, we do something, and every year on her birthday we do something to celebrate. So, Friday we decided on lunch and my Mom, Sis & the kids met me in Franklin to have lunch in Moe's (where Kadin says he wants to eat at every day. Have I mentioned lately how much I love this kid?). Considering Granny's intense love for purple, it was no surprise when we got out of the car and every one of us was decked out in her color.

As we sat down to eat, Kadin out of the blue goes, "Is Great Granny here with us?". Laughing, my sister said "Are you kidding?! There is food involved, of course she's here with us!" A little perplexed, Kadin said "Is she sitting here with us?!?", and Sam explained she was watching over us.

It wasn't even 10 minutes later when Kadin announced that Great-Granny was sitting in the seat next to Paige.

Mom, Sam, Paige, Kadin & I have all had weird stuff happen since Granny died, but this just solidified my thoughts that she's definitely hanging around us, and I have no doubt Kadin has seen her or seen a presence.  (Yeah, sorry, my sister and I are all about the paranormal stuff. Thanks Sylvia Browne for all our amazing knowledge ;) )

So Happy Birthday Granny....I'm glad she could spend her special day with us!

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