Friday, March 21, 2014

How to spend a Thursday night...

Oh what a crazy, crazy week it has been! Work, sessions, editing - it's been a whirlwind -- and about to get busier.

We did celebrate my sisters birthday on Wednesday at her house - and we celebrate 30+ year olds birthdays by playing Disney games together with the kids, eating dinner & watching "Frozen", hahaha. It was a great night though, and my sister had a great birthday.

Our cousin Mike and his fiance are in town this week for some classes she is taking for work, so last night we spent the night hitting a few places along the streets of downtown Nashville. Which is coincidentally what we did with him the last time he was here 6-7 years ago!

The worst part about the majority of our family being in FL & OH is we don't really see them as often as we want. But when we ARE together, it's like no time has passed and we're instantly the kids we were growing up.  It was fun to catch up & talk (okay, so it was a little more like shouting, hello bars with live music. Welcome to Nashville!) about so many memories... "Remember when we were at Universal Studios and...." "Remember that Christmas Eve that...."

We started out at Margaritaville, where we grabbed dinner!

And then we moved onto Tootsies, which is probably the worst to go and actually think you're going to be able to move or talk because of the insane crowds (but it's where I wanted to take Danielle, since she hadn't been there before! Just playing the good Nashvillian!), but SOMEHOW we lucked out upstairs and got four seats. This never happens when we're there! 

Then we headed over to Silver Dollar, which usually has a pretty good band playing. We saw three bands play &  two were really fabulous, and the last was just flat out entertaining.  However, Silver Dollar has better lighting, which prompted a "THIS IS GREAT LIGHTING, LET'S TAKE A TON OF PICS!" 

Mike was so outnumbered by girls!

The logistics that went into taking a group shot were pretty hilarious. 

We capped the night off at the Full Moon Saloon because the band there usually doesn't play crap - IE; they won't play any of the BS you hear on the radio today. I always get such a delight when someone requests Luke Bryan or Jason Aldean & the band says no, they only play real country music. I love my town. We got them to play us some Alabama, Strait, Waylon & Alan Jackson, did some obnoxious singing along & got Mike to do some crazy dancing for us before realizing it was close to 1am....Danielle had to be at classes on time Friday since she was late Thursday, so we called it a night! 

Such a great kick off to a killer weekend....the bestie will be here shortly & we'll be heading off to our George Strait concert! I am over the moon that it's finally here! We head to Kentucky tomorrow to of course, celebrate Samantha's birthday at Dolphie's!

Happy Friday y'all!

PS: It's SPRING, IT'S SPRING! Don't think I didn't paint my toenails & rock open toed wedges last night!
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